welcome 歡迎

Five years have passed since the mass migration movement of Hongkongers and the formation of a renewed global Hongkonger diaspora began. Some have happily settled overseas, some have abandoned their dreams and returned to their homeland, and most never left in the first place. Where and what is the Hongkonger identity in 2024? And where does Hong Kong cinema lie in this equation?

Is it possible to answer those questions through cinema? That is the hopeful if not impossible goal of this year’s festival. Through screening digital restorations of classic cultural memories and exciting, socially-aware works by contemporary artists, we seek to explore different possibilities in reshaping the Hongkonger identity.

Thank you to all the volunteers and the entire organizing committee for making this festival possible. We all work for our organization for free in our spare time. Despite challenges, we are heading towards our third year with great pride and tenacity. Have a great time, browse our films and schedule, and we hope to see you at the movies!






Festival Director
Jay Liu

Thank you 感謝

Platinum Sponsor

Co-Presenting Partners

In-Kind Sponsor

Location Partners

Once Upon a Time in HKDSE Toronto screening presented by

team 團隊

Executive Director
Kay Ho

Festival Director
Jay Liu

Organizing Committee
Nate Han
Joseph Cheung

Poster Design
Zoul To