Once upon a Time in HKDSE《公開試當真》

2024 | 1hr 30min | In Cantonese with Traditional Chinese and English subtitles | Dir. Leung Yik Ho

International and U.S. Premieres

Once Upon a Time in HKDSE marks the feature film debut by viral YouTube collective Trial and Error. Co-founded by actor Neo Yau at the height of the pandemic, Trial and Error seeks to explore alternative avenues for Hongkonger creatives as they struggle to make it to the big screen. Therefore, their first feature film represents a full-circle moment. The subject of this documentary is Hong, a high school senior and a finalist in the channel’s 2022 idol contest. As Hong struggles academically ahead of the life-and-death public exams known as HKDSE, Trial and Error puts together an intensive, star-studded study plan while filming Hong’s journey. Featuring appearances by celebrities including valedictorian pageant queen Louisa Mak and household-name language tutor Lam Yat Yan, Once Upon a Time in HKDSE reflects the absurdities of the Hong Kong education system and family culture at large. That it is shortened and edited together by William Chang Suk-ping (In the Mood for Love) from a web series originally published on the collective’s YouTube channel only adds to the team’s exploration of future possibilities for Hong Kong cinema.

Toronto screening presented by CHIME

San Diego screening presented with The Hong Konger Club as part of the 2nd San Diego Hong Kong Film Festival


多倫多場次由 CHIME 呈獻


Director’s bio
Leung Yik Ho is an alumnus of the Baptist University of Hong Kong Academy of Film, graduating in screenwriting. He was a cinematographer and journalist, focusing on documentaries and profiles. He is currently a member of Trial and Error and the director of Once Upon a Time in HKDSE.


  • Sep 8, 2024 (Sun)
    3:00 PM
    Starlight Whittier Village Cinemas


  • Aug 31, 2024 (Sat)
    7:00 PM
    Innis Town Hall


  • Sep 7, 2024 (Sat)
    3:10 PM
    Digital Gym Cinema