Go Back Home《返屋企》

2023 | 10min | In Cantonese with Traditional Chinese and English subtitles | Dir. Chung Dha Lam

Jona is a delivery cyclist living and working in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. However he still dreams of Hong Kong, but he is living the harsh reality he might made a big mistake, regretting his move to the Netherlands instead of living the live of his dreams.

Director’s bio
Chung Dha Lam
is a filmmaker from the Netherlands and started working as a filmmaker since 2009 in Hong Kong after winning best Cinematography and Editing awards with the debut as a DP and editor for a 48 hour film project short film in Hong Kong. After years of traveling between the Netherlands and Hong Kong, he is now mostly working from the Netherlands and building up his network and encouraging more Asian filmmakers in the Netherlands.

  • Aug 25, 2024 (Sun) - Sep 8, 2024 (Sun)